Undertaking rescues at night leaves volunteers open to especial risks including but not limited to:
The possibility of encountering members of the public that are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
The possibility of being stranded alone due to vehicle breakdown
The possibility of hoax calls
In addition you should:
Ensure that you have a good quality, charged torch in your vehicle
Carry a backup torch (or replacement batteries) if there may be a need for light for longer than 10 minutes
Take a working mobile phone which has a camera facility with you
Try to take a person with you on a night call
Not attend a rescue if you consider that you may be placing yourself in danger from either other persons, animals or the environment
If attending a call to collect an animal from a person’s home or other building, ask that the animal be at the front door or, where practical, driveway to reduce the need to enter the person’s house or other building at night
Ask the notifier to meet you with the animal at a well-lit public place if possible
Be extra vigilant when attending a rescue at night in a rural or semi-rural location